Compiling a Complete Job Profile
We identify day to day responsibilities, specific areas of difficulty likely to be encountered, key experience and qualifications required. We aim to gain a full picture of your company culture, goals of the department, the position to be filled and a profile of the ideal candidate
Database Search
We contact those candidates who meet your job requirements and profile them with this information in mind. Our database comprises at least as many “prospects” as “candidates”, those we have contacted in the past and those not yet contacted. We add to our database on a daily basis through ongoing recruiting and name gathering.
We start a new search by identifying target companies and prospective candidates by name or title. We present your opportunity, get names of people who could do the job and then sell the benefits of the job and your organisation. Motivation to change jobs, experience and personal aspirations are assessed in line with your needs. From here we can produce an accurate short list from which to select the best candidates.
Shortlisting and Presentation
Candidates are selected on the basis of ability to do the job, motivation and cultural fit. On a retained basis you are guaranteed a shortlist of the best available candidates, on time, on budget and exactly to brief. Occasionally if urgency dictates, we can present suitable candidates as they are found, after qualifying. Psychometric testing is available if required.
Candidate Profiling
We send you a copy of the candidate’s own CV, together with our profile, giving you additional information such as a breakdown of current remuneration package, motivation, goals, strengths, special expertise, mobility and status.
Offer, Acceptance and Hiring
We do everything possible to ensure the hire of your chosen candidate goes smoothly including salary advice, reference checking, resignation preparation and follow up. We help you get the candidate you want and we prioritise attraction, retainment and retention.